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Wine, Alcoholic beverage

Wine, Alcoholic beverage

Our company is showing international sense making bottle shape or taste peculiar to export this wine that is Korean traditional wine in all the countries of the world, and persons who test estimate both Korean and foreigner HI. I compare feeling and depth of the taste with "Icewein" or "Cheutor" that is highest grade wine if compare with wine produced in Europe. Surely, effect more than 2 times says that is if compare with wine in courtesy call. Specially, there is special effect in others ingredient or women vigor elevation.
This year, from February, will export first examination in Japan and widen the market gradually.
Contact immediately if hope import about "Red Mountain" that is our company wild berries wine. Specially, exclusive possession transaction contract of company with 1,000,000 Bottle singularity sale ability is available with our company years in the United States of America, Japan, European market. Thank you!

    Raspberry Wine    
  Raspberry Wine